Monday, July 20, 2009

.NET Interview Questions - Part 9

After two weeks am back to blogging, to start of let me start the Part 9 of the .net Interview question.

1. Briefly describe the major components of the .NET Framework and describe what each component does. The .NET Framework consists of two primary parts: the Common language runtime, which manages application execution, enforces type safety, and manages memory reclamation, and the .NET base class library, which consists of thousands of predeveloped classes that can be used to build applications.

2. Briefly explains what is meant by a reference type and a value type.

A value type holds all of the data represented by the variable within the variable itself. A reference type contains a reference to a memory address that holds the data instead of the actual data itself.

3. How do you enable your application to use .NET base class library members without referencing their fully qualified names?

Use the Imports keyword (VB.NET) or the Using keyword(Visual c#) to make a .NET framework namespace visible to your application.

4. Briefly describe how the garbage collection works.

The garbage collector is a thread that runs in the background of managed .NET applications. It constantly traces the reference tree and attempts to find objects that are no longer referenced. When a non referenced object is found, its memory is reclaimed for later use.

5. Briefly describe what members are, and list the four types of members.

 Members are the part s of a class or a structure that hold data or implement functionality. The primary member types are fields, properties, methods and events.

6. Explain what constructors and destructors are and describe what they are used for.

The constructor is the method that initializes a class or structure and is run when a type is first instantiated. It is used to set default values and perform other tasks required by the class. A destructor is the method that is run as the object is being reclaimed by garbage collection. It contains any code that is required for cleanup of the object

7. Do you need to instantiate a class before accessing a shared (static) member> Why or Why not?

Because a Shared (static) member belongs to the type rather than to any instance of the type, you can access the member without first creating an instance of the type.

8. Briefly describe how a class is similar to a structure. How are they different?

Both classes and structures can have members such as methods, properties and fields both use a constructor for initialization, and both inherit from System.Object. Both classes and structures can be used to model real-world objects. Classes are reference types, and the memory that holds class instances is allocated on the heap. Structures are value types, and the memory that holds structure instances is allocated on the stack

9. You are writing an application that needs to display a common set of controls on several different forms. What is the fastest way to approach the problem?

Create a Single form that incorporates the common controls, and use visual inheritance to create derived forms

10. What is an extender provider, and what does one do?

Extender providers are components that provide additional properties to controls on a form. Examples include the ErrorProvider, HelpProvider and ToolTip components. They can be used to provide additional information about particular controls to the user or the user in the user interface.

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